The 2013 "Yuva for Sewa" internship projects.An opportunity to serve.
Sanatan Dharma gives lots of emphasis on Selfless Service through Karma Yoga
and Sewa.
Here are some Sloka from Bhagvad Geeta.
annād bhavanti bhūtāni
parjanyād anna-sambhavaḥ
yajñād bhavati parjanyo
yajñaḥ karma-samudbhavaḥ
All living
bodies subsist on food grains, which are produced from rains. Rains are
produced by performance of yajña[sacrifice], and yajña is born
of prescribed duties.
The science of transcendental
knowledge has been imparted to you, O Arjuna. Now listen to the science of
selfless service (Seva), endowed with which you will free yourself from all
Karmic bondage, or sin.
No effort is ever lost in selfless
service, and there is no adverse effect. Even a little practice of the
discipline of selfless service protects one from the great fear of repeated
birth and death.
A selfless worker has resolute
determination for God-realization, but the desires of the one who works to
enjoy the fruits of work are endless.
And this is what Swami Vivekananda said
about Sewa or Karma Yoga.
Karma-Yoga is the attaining through
unselfish work of that freedom which is the goal of all human nature. Every
selfish action, therefore, retards our reaching the goal, and every unselfish
action takes us towards the goal; that is why the only definition that can be
given of morality is this: That which is selfish is immoral, and that
which is unselfish is moral.
"Sewa" is Sanskrit word that
means selfless service - a unique concept of Service - Selfless Efforts
for Welfare of All.
Youth in USA have an opportunity to work as summer
intern with Sewa
Internationl USA.
Yuva for Sewa is a summer internship offered by Sewa
International USA that focuses on service projects in India and
Caribbean countries. It is an opportunity for young adults to contribute
their time to a larger movement of serving humanity.
Eligibility : Interns must (1) have graduated high
school or be at least 18 years old at the start of the internship (2) be able
to participate in the full ten-week internship program (3) be currently
residing in US or Canada and (4) possess strong enthusiasm to make a
Internship Duration : The internship will start Monday June
3rd and end on friday August 9th 2013.
Service Locations : India (Pune, Bhagyanagar
(Hyderabad), and Bangalore)
“NAR SEWA NARAYAN SEWA” - “Serving Humanity is Serving