Sanatan legacy in S- E Asia!

Following is from Indian newspaper The Freepress Journal. Read full article here.
The Preah Vihear temple of Siva built during the Khmer Empire is a reminder of the common  culture that the entire region once shared with India. In fact, such monuments do not belong exclusively to one one country, but to the South- East Asia region as a whole.
A lthough King Norodom Sihamoni of Cambodia was invited to yesterday’s royal wedding in London, he was not among the crowned monarchs at the function. His Majesty had more serious concerns at home where Cambodia and its bigger neighbour, Thailand, are involved in angry exchanges that could deteriorate into hostilities over an early 9th century Hindu temple that UNESCO lists as a World Heritage Site
 More resource that provide historical insight of Sanatan Dharma's legacy in Suvarnabhumi (South East Asia).


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