
Showing posts from 2017

Hindi Poem on Valor of Rani Padmini

मुझे न जाना गंगासागर मुझे न रामेश्वर, काशी तीर्थराज #चित्तौड़ देखने को मेरी आँखें प्यासी..! श्‍याम नारायण पाण्‍डेय की अमर रचना #जौहर की यह पंक्तियॉं पढ़ते-गाते हुए हमारा बच...

Misrepresentations of the Hindu Tradition : Talk by Pravrajika Vrajaprana

Misrepresentation of Hindu tradition in academia and media: We live in a global society in which the religious and the nonreligious live door to door, yet the prevailing social trend is toward increasing secularization. Along with it have come competing for truth claims concerning who is qualified to speak for a religion. Perhaps more than any other religion in the United States, Hinduism has been subject to intense debate over who is qualified to accurately represent its philosophy and practice. The contending groups are primarily two—one, Hindu practitioners (“insiders”), and second, non-practitioners (Hindu or not) such as academics and journalists (“outsiders”), whose presumed objectivity is deemed to give them greater insight and intellectual freedom. The debate has played out painfully and with great controversy in recent decades. Pravrajika Vrajaprana examines a number of issues in the debate as well as what is at stake for the American Hindu community. About The Speaker: ...

भारत में मुसलमानो के 800 वर्ष के शासन का झूठ : श्री राजिव दीक्षित द्वारा

क्या भारत में मुसलमानों ने 800 वर्षों तक शासन किया है- सुनने में यही आता है पर न कभी कोई आत्ममंथन करता है और न इतिहास का सही अवलोकन। आईये देखते हैं, इतिहास के वास्तविक नायक कौन थ...

Misinformation propagated against Hinduism by Reza Aslan and CNN's 'Believer'

Rajiv Malhotra & Hindu Students Council Discuss CNN's Latest Hinduphobia (video): Reza Aslan’s ‘Believer’- An Exhibit of Unconcealed Hinduphobia (article) Beyond belief (article) CNN’s ‘Believer’ Is Reckless, Racist And Dangerously Anti-Immigrant (article by Vamsee Juluri, professor of media studies at the University of San Francisco ) How To React To CNN’s ‘Believer’ Series (article) Defence of Hindu 'rituals' (article) How others see Reza? ------------------------- Reza Aslan and the Myth of Information

हम सब मूलत: हिन्दू ही हैं: श्री मुहम्मद करीम छागला

हम सब मूलत: हिन्दू ही हैं : श्री मुहम्मद करीम छागला  Mahommedali Currim Chagla was an Indian jurist, diplomat, and Cabinet Minister who served as Chief Justice of the Bombay High Court from 1948 to 1958. He wrote that all Indians are Hindus.

Treasure of Dharmik E-Books (FREE)

For the benifit of readers and spread availability of great work of wisdom a treasure trove of literature is open free to readers and seekers. यह ई पुस्तकालय है, जिसमें दर्जनों अमूल्य ग्रंथों के PDF सहेजे गए हैं, ताकि यह अधिक से अधिक लोगों के काम आ सकें, धर्म और राष्ट्र संबंधी विषय पर PDF में अमूल्य पुस्तकें इन लिंक में संग्रहित हैं, आप विषय देखकर लिंक खोलें तो बहुत सी पुस्तकें मिलेंगी, सभी पुस्तकें आप निशुल्क download कर सकते हैं, इन लिंक्स में सैकड़ों किताबें हैं, जो कई पीढ़ियों की मेहनत का फल हैं, इस हिंद महासागर से मोती चुन लें... Swami Dayananda - स्वामी दयानंद : Aadi Shankaracharya - आद्य शंकराचार्य : Sri Aurobindo - श्री अरविंदो : Swami Vivekanand - स्वामी विवेकानन्द : Swami Ramteerth - स्वामी रामतीर्थ : https://dri...

E Book Aahuti - Communist Atrocities in Kerala

Killings of innocent nationalist people by Communist (left) from Kerala is profiled in this e-book. Hundreds of RSS, BJP and ABVP workers (men, women of all ages) are murdered by communists of Kerala. This hardly is reported in media. Here is an e-book on those sacrifices.   Aahuti - The Untold Stories of Sacrifice in Kerala by Sanatan Sarvada on Scribd