The Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh is organizing a Dharma and Yoga Fest at various cities across USA with participation of many Dharmik Organizations.HSS is inviting all Dharma-centered groups to participate in the event. Dharma and Yoga Fest event will commemorate Swami Vivekananda’s 150th birth anniversary in 2013 by celebrating his vision of “Universal Peace Through Dharma and Yoga.” The Dharma and Yoga Fest will include a variety of activities, such as Hatha Yoga demonstration, a seminar on Dharma and Yoga, Kirtan, Bhajan, Satsang, and crafts and games for children. The event will endeavor to create a sense of harmony, mutual respect, and spiritual oneness. Renowned author Philip Goldberg who wrote best selling book has shared his message on this Dharma and Yoga Fest. Swami ji’s uniquely advanced Dharma in the modern era. The ideas introduced by him to America, such as Yoga, Karma, and the spiritual oneness of humanity, continue to hav...