
Showing posts from November, 2011

Ganesh worshiping in South-East Asia

One more link about cultural and Sanatan Dhama's influence in pan-Asia. One can find heritage of Sanatan Dharma in Asian countries very easily. This french author(s) given more focus on Ganesh worshiping and found it is very much prevailing in Asia. You can read his article Ganesh in South-East Asia . Author(s) summed up as "Ganesh worship has been disseminated in nearly all the Far-East Asia countries. More or less numerous representations of this god are known in the following countries :Afghanistan, China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Japan, etc." I had posted a blog earlier about Sanatan Dharamic influence in the same region which was called Suvarnabhumi in past, you can read Sanatan Dharma's influence throughout Asia and Sanatan legacy in S- E Asia! .